Anonymous announced the hack on Twitter by sharing the screenshot of the administrator-level access of Bank Melli Iran. At the time of writing, this article the official website of Bank Melli Iran is unreachable.

— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) September 26, 2022 Anonymous has launched the OpIran campaign against Teheran following the ongoing crackdown on dissent after Mahsa Amini’s death.

— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) September 24, 2022 Mahsa Amini 22-year-old woman died in police custody in Tehran, Iran. After Iran’s morality police allegedly arrested her for wearing hijab too loosely. Iranian authorities claim that Amini died of natural causes after suffering heart failure. However, Iranians have taken over the streets to protest against the death of Amini. According to reports, over 40 people have lost their lives, including members of the security forces during the last few days of protest. In addition to the recent hacking event of the National Bank of Iran (Bank Melli), Anonymous also hacked and defaced Iran’s Forensic Research Center website and leaked a database containing around 100MB of data. Furthermore, it also hacked and leaked the database of the Iranian Assembly and the database of Iran’s Supreme Audit Court and released the phone numbers, among other data, of all members of the Iranian Parliament. Additionally, several CCTV cameras in Iran were also hacked. Anonymous has also brought down several Iran-based websites by using DDoS attacks including:

Iranian Intelligence Agency Iranian Police website The National Government Portal of Iran The official website of the Central Bank of Iran The official website of the Government Spokesman Office The official website of Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran Website of the Iranian State media agency IRIB News Agency Website of Iran’s state-run Sepah Bank.

Since this is an ongoing operation by Anonymous more hacks and leaks from Iran can be seen in the coming days.